My progress

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 19... Bored.

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 141
Loss 1 day: 6 oz
Total Loss: 15 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I'm so spoiled.  Although I should be excited about losing over half a pound I still want more.  I think I'm just bored of the diet.  I'm on day 19.  I should change my attitude. I'm only 1.1 lbs away from 139.9!

Feeling P.M.: took a small bite of my kids mac and cheese and did not care at all about what it meant.  I'm really bored of this diet.  I'm getting resentful of it.

Journal Log:

Although my meals were satisfying today I am so bored with the day to day options.  I can't believe what a big part of my day eating great tasting food was.  Sigh.  Tomorrow is the start of week 4 though.  I need to put together a motivational board I think.  That's what I'll do.  That will keep my mind off of things.

Lunch:  HCG Hamburger
Dinner: Mexican Chicken and Asparagus with onion and tomato

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