My progress

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 10... still going strong.

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 145.8
Loss 1 day: 0
Total Loss: 10.2 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I woke up feeling really hungry.  Something that I haven't really felt in the last 7 days.  I also didn't lose any weight and I felt a hollowness in my stomach.  Another thing is that I was bloated and gassy in the morning. (see post from day before on why this happened HERE) Went for a morning walk and drank 4 cups of water within an hour of waking up.  Maybe I'll get back on track today.

Feeling P.M.: It's about 4p and I just feel really tired and I feel like I NEED CARBS bad.  I think this is directly related to eating those shirataki noodles last night, not having a ton of vegetables and not having my 2nd portion of fruit.  Last night was the only night I didn't really follow the diet exactly so I guess I'm not doing THAT again.

Journal Log:

Tonight was really hard.  I even unwrapped a hershey kiss and had it right by my mouth before I said NO!  I will not mess this up for a drop of chocolate!  Even the dinner I made had me gagging.  I don't know what was up.  The day before I was fine.  I decided to distract myself with cleaning and going through my mail drawer.  That was a great idea.  At the end of the day, my kitchen was cleaned and organized and I didn't think about food.  Here's hoping tomorrow will be better.

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