My progress

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 12... HAPPY EASTER!!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 145
Loss 1 day: 0.8
Total Loss: 11 lbs

Feeling A.M.: It's Easter!!  My favorite holiday.  I'm feeling happy about all that this holiday means and also that despite substituting my meat with cottage cheese for lunch yesterday I still lost 8 oz.  Which is a lot! I had stayed the same weight for 2 days following that miracle noodle dinner so I was pretty happy to see the scale go down.

Feeling P.M.: It was hard being around my family for the Easter get together today.  Food everywhere.  But I felt alert and energetic all day and I DIDN'T CHEAT ONCE!  So proud of myself.

Journal Log:

     HE IS RISEN!!  I love Easter and the meaning that we, as Christians, celebrate.  I was surrounded by ham, 2 different kinds of lasagna, garlic bread, candy and pie today.  It smelled so rich in that place and just the aromas that filled the room where enough to fill my stomach.  Ha ha.  If you are at day 12, you know what I'm talking about.  How great it is to just inhale the delicious vapors coming off of the food.  YUM.  While the family was serving themselves I popped my favorite HCG diet meal in the microwave for 1 min thirty and stared at the dish spinning as to not turn around and see all the food behind me on the counter.  I sat down in the living room with others and I got to say that the first bite of that Chili with beef over lettuce and cabbage was really satisfying.  I imagined that it was that lasagna on the counter and every bite after that was amazing.  When I  was done I felt rather full and I didn't feel like I was missing out.  My husband came over and said to me "Man, you're hardcore baby."
     I think what really helped was that I was honest about my diet with the family as soon as I got there.  I told them that I was doing great and that I brought my own lunch and I felt great.  They were all really supportive and it held me accountable all day.  Accountability is important on this diet.
     For dinner I had some vegetable cabbage soup with grilled tilapia.  That was delicious.  What I did was I seasoned the tilapia in garlic powder and dill weed and put 2 slices of fresh lemon on top, baked it and then threw it on the grill for about one minute.  mixed it in the soup and the flavors just popped.  Again, having something that good was what made me survive grandmas house well into the night.  I left feeling empowered and proud of myself.  I can't believe I'm doing it!!

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