My progress

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Helpful Tips and FAQs

Here's a collection of helpful tips that I got from others who have gone through this.  I've had a lot of questions so far so I know that you all may too.  Hope this is encouraging and a good reference page.  I will be updating it often.

Websites that were extremely helpful
HCG Diet 411
HDI Health- The Leading HCG Diet Authority

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I avoid touching oil?  It's everywhere!
  1. Use gloves when washing dishes
  2. Use a dish scrubber with a handle
  3. submerge greasy pans and dishes in hot water and dish soap and let water drain before washing
  4. Do the best you can and wash your skin immediately after contact

Q. Can I use any kind of spice?
A. Yes, as long as it doesn't have sugar, starch, or MSG.  It's best if you stay organic and try to limit salt intake as much as possible.

Q. I'm on my first week and I'm thinking about doing an apple day already.  Should I wait?
A.  Yes, everybody's body responds differently.  Don't be discouraged if you don't lose weight in the first week for a day or two as long as you don't gain any.  Try to hold off on an apple day for a real plateau down the line when you know for sure you are not going to budge without a little help.

**TIP: By one of my friends who finished the diet

I started round two on October 13th. I did round one from Jan 1 – Jan 22 earlier this year. I lost 34 lbs the first time. I started round two at the exact weight that I ended round one at on Jan 22, so it really does work. I wanted to share three things that helped me and might encourage you:

First, I took measurements every week (or more often if needed). That way, even during time when I wasn't losing, I could see the inches change. 

Second, after the first week, I began noticing non-weight changes. I felt good in the morning instead of felling sick and tired. Also, I stopped snoring (my wife alerted me to that one).

Last, I talked to my body. Each morning, I commanded the abnormal fat in my body to disintegrate. Then, I asked the Holy Spirit to consume any unhealthy cells in my body and replace them with Holy Spirit ones. Kinda silly, but it worked.

Keep up the hard work, the results are worth it!

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