My progress

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 27-31...Vacation FAIL

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 145.6
Loss 1 day: -6 lbs
Total Loss: 10.4 lbs

Feeling A.M.:  I'm back home from a 4 day vacation with the family.  Although I had every intention to stick to the diet while I was there I completely failed the very first day I left.

Feeling P.M.: Just weighed myself and had to laugh at myself.  Otherwise I would be crying right now.

Journal Log:

I had mentally prepared myself for gain.  It came at no surprise.  Part of what made my vacation so memorable was being able to go out to eat with my family and not worry about my weight.  My plan is to continue tomorrow with the protocol as if it had never happened.  I'm completely at peace with this and we will see if an apple day is in my future.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 27... TOM

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 139.6
Loss 1 day: -1.4
Total Loss: 16.4 lbs

Feeling A.M.:  I feel a slight headache still, bloated and I gained 1.4 lbs.  Seeing that I started this diet about a month ago and I also had my period, I'm going to assume that TOM is almost here.  Damn it!  I'm about to go on a mini 4 day vacation with my family. : (

Feeling P.M.: COMING SOON!

Journal Log:

COMING Later...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 26... Last day of 4th week

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 138.2
Loss 1 day:  0 oz
Total Loss: 17.8 lbs

Feeling A.M.:  Although I didn't lose any weight I did lose inches.  Which is good enough for me.

Feeling P.M.: I have a headache which is the first since when I first started the diet.

Journal Log:

Going through the motions of the day.  Food still isn't as important and I'm feeling bloated.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 25...Squishy Butt

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 138.2
Loss 1 day:  8oz
Total Loss: 17.8 lbs

Feeling A.M.: Woke up bright and early to start a long day of presentations and education.  Was in too much of a hurry to celebrate the 8 oz I lost in one night.  Where does it all go?

Feeling P.M.: I'll tell you where it's NOT going... my butt!  I'm happy that I'm losing inches but WARNING: you're gonna get squishy!

Journal Log:

Today I had to speak at a conference and no matter how many times I told the women that I didn't need lunch they still brought me a plate full of chicken egg salad, some melon and grapes and a CROISSANT!!  Oh it was so hard to look at this beautiful buttery flaky tasty piece of heaven.  BUT I stayed strong and snuck it back into the kitchen without anyone seeing me and without hurting anyone's feelings.  I had myself a delicious buffalo chicken salad and the melba toast saved my day again.

Also, I bought a salsa seasoning packet at the co-op today.  Mixed it in with a can of diced tomatoes, diced onions, fresh cilantro and lemon juice.  Also, I made a soup using a McCormick seasoning packet called Albondigas Al Chipotle (which is spanish for chipotle meatballs).  It smells incredible.  I mixed a can of tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, onions, cabbage and chopped celery.

Albóndigas al Chipotle, Chipotle Meatball Sauce Mix

LUNCH:  Buffalo Chicken Salad with tomatoes and romaine lettuce
DINNER: Shrimp lettuce wraps with salsa

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 24...Crisis Averted

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 139
Loss 1 day: 4 oz
Total Loss: 17 lbs

Feeling A.M.: So I lost the 2 oz I gained yesterday and an additional 2 oz.  Seeing that on the scale this morning was relieving.  Off to a really busy day of work...

Feeling P.M.: I'm starting to notice that food is not a second thought anymore.  I went through my day and just went through the motion of eating lunch and dinner without wanting more or it being that important to me.  Hmmm?  Who am I?

Journal Log:

I noticed today that at the end of the day I forgot that eating was even a part of it.  Food has always been a main focus of my day.  A big part of my day.  Today though the day came and went and I got a lot done and food was not a part of it.

LUNCH: Creole Chicken and Salad with grape tomatoes, cucumbers and red vinegar
DINNER: Fish cabbage wraps with cucumbers, tomatoes and Asian Spicy Mustard

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 23... I gained!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 139.4
Loss 1 day: -2 oz
Total Loss: 16.6 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I gained 2 oz today which really alarmed me.  This is the first time in 23 days that I have gained at all.  Looking back at yesterday I kept thinking about the butter knife of peanut butter I licked clean after making my kids a grilled peanut butter banana sandwich   Could that smidgen of butter really make the scale go up?

Feeling P.M.: I forgot to share...

Journal Log:

Life got busy.  Will share tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 22... Over half way over with Phase 2

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 139.2
Loss 1 day: 1 lb
Total Loss: 16.8 lbs

Feeling A.M.: 130's!!!

Feeling P.M.: I wanted something sweet and buttery so I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies...FOR THE KIDS!  Even though I can't have any, the smell filling up my house is comfort enough.  My kids are happy.  My husband will not be when he gets home.

Journal Log:

I just realized that I can have the mustard in my fridge!  And with that I made a sweet and spicy mustard dressing for my chicken salad today.  PLUS radishes apparently are now in season AND I finally went and got some melba toast (I've been holding off on those until later in the diet).  So I had some radish in my salad and croutons.  It was a very satisfying lunch.  I loved the crunchy surprise of the melba croutons.

Sweet and Spicy Mustard= Yummy Salad Dressing

Mix equal parts mustard and Frank's Red Hot Original with truvia to taste and wahla!

++= YUM

LUNCH: Chicken Salad with Sweet and Spicy Mustard Dressing
DINNER: 100 grams of meatloaf and salad with cucumbers and onions

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 21...Melba Toast saves the day!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 140.2
Loss 1 day: 6 oz
Total Loss: 15.8 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I'm so close to my milestone.  I also lost another 1/2 an inch on my waist.  I'm finally starting to see a difference in the mirror.

Feeling P.M.: My husband is having a hard time on his 5th day on HCG and he's being a bit discouraging.  BUT I made him the shrimp scampi over asparagus tonight and he seems a bit more happy.

Journal Log:

Oh I'm so glad that I waited until the 4th week to buy the Melba Toast.  The crunch of the bread was so rewarding and I didn't want it to end.  I feel that the Melba Toast will be what gets me through this week successfully.  I suggest you wait to buy this until you are further along.  Change things up.  Also, radishes are now at the grocery stores and although not usually my favorite, I'm looking forward to the new flavor on my palate.
You are allowed to have one piece of Melba Toast with each meal
LUNCH: Chicken Chili over salad
DINNER: Shrimp Scampi over Asparagus and a side of Melba Toast!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 20... start of week 4

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 140.8
Loss 1 day: 2 oz
Total Loss: 15.2 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I'm only 1 lb away from my 2nd milestone.  Getting into the 130s.  Although losing 2 oz doesn't seem like much I was happy to see that I lost an inch off of my waist and thighs!  So far, I have lost 4 inches off of my waist.

Feeling P.M.: I don't feel as cynical as I did yesterday.  I think that measuring myself this morning was a good thing.  Been staying busy and distracted with work and family.

Journal Log:

This is the start of week 4 for me and so far I haven't had a cheat day.  Although, I have to admit that I have licked my fingers a few times when serving my kids sweets.  Tonight I had some Shrimp lettuce wraps.  It was a nice change.  Sorta reminded me of eating shrimp spring rolls.

Lunch: HCG Hamburger- I just noticed I can eat mustard!  It was so delicious!
Dinner: Shrimp Lettuce Wraps pictured above.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 19... Bored.

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 141
Loss 1 day: 6 oz
Total Loss: 15 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I'm so spoiled.  Although I should be excited about losing over half a pound I still want more.  I think I'm just bored of the diet.  I'm on day 19.  I should change my attitude. I'm only 1.1 lbs away from 139.9!

Feeling P.M.: took a small bite of my kids mac and cheese and did not care at all about what it meant.  I'm really bored of this diet.  I'm getting resentful of it.

Journal Log:

Although my meals were satisfying today I am so bored with the day to day options.  I can't believe what a big part of my day eating great tasting food was.  Sigh.  Tomorrow is the start of week 4 though.  I need to put together a motivational board I think.  That's what I'll do.  That will keep my mind off of things.

Lunch:  HCG Hamburger
Dinner: Mexican Chicken and Asparagus with onion and tomato

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 18- So close to my 2nd milestone

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 141.6
Loss 1 day: 8 oz
Total Loss: 14.4 lbs

Feeling A.M.: Although this is my 5th day of not being able to go to the bathroom I still lost 8 oz bringing me to 1.6 lbs closer to the 130's!  This is so motivating for me because I haven't seen that number in about 2 years.

Feeling P.M.: I finally went to the bathroom!  Hooray.  I feel so much better now.  I'm noticing that my appetite has lessened.  It's sorta hard for me to finish my already small servings and I can't even finish my fruit in between meals.  Drank a gallon of water today.

Journal Log:

Today was another one of those cooking days.  Spent 2 hours portioning, seasoning, cooking, baking and grilling all my meats for the next 10 days.  The 2 hours included cleaning the kitchen before and after I prepared the meals.  And I'm also preparing 20 meals for my husband and me.  There is a lot of food in my fridge right now, including, Italian chicken, creole and Mexican chicken, BBQ chicken, hamburgers, meat loaf, tilapia, and shrimp. It feels good knowing that I can just go in the kitchen and grab something to eat when I'm hungry.

I suggest you do this as part of a distraction on your list of things to do.  Oh and don't do it when you're hungry.

LUNCH: HCG BBQ Chicken and steamed asparagus
DINNER: Grilled Tilapia and a side salad with organic, sugar free salsa

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 17...Plugged

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 142.4
Loss 1 day: 6 oz
Total Loss: 13.6 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I haven't been able to expel waste in about 4 days.  I don't understand how I'm still losing weight.  But I am.  I do feel a bit yucky though.  My head isn't as clear as before and I feel tired.  I want it all out!  I tried Organic Smooth Move Tea last night and nothing.  Will try again today.

Feeling P.M.: Still nothing.  My energy level isn't as high today and I also noticed that I don't have much of an appetite today.  I searched a ton of websites and forums and they all say the same thing.

Journal Log:

I searched a ton of websites and forums and they all say the same thing about constipation being normal and not to worry about it.  Something about how my body is using all the food I consume and turning it into energy instead of waste.  I still feel like I have a cloudy mind and a bloated stomach though.  Hopefully I will clear up soon.

Just for fun...

LUNCH: Buffalo Chicken Salad with spring mix, tomato and onions
DINNER: Ground turkey lettuce wraps with grilled onions

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 16... 13 lbs and 2.5 inches gone!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 143
Loss 1 day: 2 oz
Total Loss: 13 lbs

Feeling A.M.: I was really hoping for another pound and a half today but I got a measly 2 oz.  I can't complain too much though.  At least I'm still losing! And I can finally tell a difference when I look in the mirror.

Feeling P.M.: I waited way too long to eat between lunch and dinner.  I was so close to dinner that I just skipped my fruit snack and made myself some delicious Buffalo Steak Lettuce Wraps.  I'm feeling really hungry and tired.

Journal Log:

Whoa!  I just made some Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps for my husband and Buffalo Steak Lettuce Wraps for myself and they were amazing.  By far my favorite so far.  I just cooked the 100 grams of meat in a bit of Franks Red Hot and served it inside 4 lettuce leaves with fresh tomato and fresh chopped onion.  You have to try it.  Franks, like all hot sauce, is high in sodium so go easy on it.  Otherwise I think it's safe.

Here's some pictures-

Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Buffalo Steak Lettuce Wraps

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 15... 2 weeks down, 4 to go!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 143.2
Loss 1 day: .2 oz
Total Loss: 12.8 lbs

Feeling A.M.: The scale didn't move much today but I love that when I wake up in the morning I'm ready to go!

Feeling P.M.: Did I mention that I always seem to get a second burst of energy in the afternoon?  I do!  Cooked a ton more HCG food today. Getting ready for my husband joining me tomorrow.  He's so sick of the 2 gorging days.

Journal Log:

I don't really have a lot to report today.  Was a pretty chill day with lots of the same stuff I've been reporting on.  I did take some pictures of my body changing today.  It's been 10 days since the last pics I took so there was a significant difference.  I have not really used the bathroom in two days though and I feel sorta yucky.  I've been drinking water like crazy so not quite sure what's going on there.  Hopefully I will clear up tomorrow.  I really really want to do some sort of arm toning exercises though.  I'm losing inches all over except my arms.  It's kinda weird and gross actually.  Here's a comic...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 14...New Recipe! Shrimp Scampi

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 143.4
Loss 1 day: 1.6
Total Loss: 12.6 lbs

Feeling A.M.: The scale moved down and that is always a great start to the day.  It really motivates me to do great today 'cause I'm that much closer to 130's on the scale.  I haven't seen that 3 in the tenths place in  2 years about.

Feeling P.M.: Feeling good today and trying to get 86 oz (12 cups) of water in. I'm wondering if that is what is helping me lose the weight.  I'll see tomorrow I suppose.

Journal Log:

     I had a late dinner tonight because my husband and I were out on a date.  But I was so looking forward to trying out this HCG Shrimp Scampi recipe that I found on Youtube.  Here is the video showing you how to make it.  I do mix vegetables so I added onions, tomatoes and garlic to my shrimp and served it over a plate of steamed asparagus.  It was delicious!

I also checked out Costco today and actually joined.  I have been a long time Sam's Club member but heard that Costco had a larger selection of organic produce/products/meat.  They did!!  And I stocked up on all my HCG foods including every vegetable in season that I'm allowed to eat and also beef, chicken, shrimp, and tilapia for about $100.  My husband is joining me on the diet as of today too.  He was sold when he saw the change in my energy level so it made sense for me to double stock up on things.  Here's my little baskets in my kitchen. (The overstock is in the pantry.) It was so much more cost efficient for my family to buy organic this way.  I love to support local co-ops but we have to be able to survive on our income and buying organic can be expensive.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 13... This diet sucks but I'm still at it

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 145
Loss 1 day: 0
Total Loss: 11 lbs

Feeling A.M.: Although the scale didn't move this morning I see a difference in the mirror.  I lost about 2 inches off of my waist and everywhere else I'm seeing about half an inch to an inch off too.

Feeling P.M.: I got to be honest.  I'm not enjoying this.  It sounds pathetic but this isn't the way to live life.  Not without sugar or carbs.  Not after what I know!  : ) I made it another day though and I have 27 more to go.  Feeling pretty hungry and not in a friendly mood.

Journal Log:

Day 12... HAPPY EASTER!!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 145
Loss 1 day: 0.8
Total Loss: 11 lbs

Feeling A.M.: It's Easter!!  My favorite holiday.  I'm feeling happy about all that this holiday means and also that despite substituting my meat with cottage cheese for lunch yesterday I still lost 8 oz.  Which is a lot! I had stayed the same weight for 2 days following that miracle noodle dinner so I was pretty happy to see the scale go down.

Feeling P.M.: It was hard being around my family for the Easter get together today.  Food everywhere.  But I felt alert and energetic all day and I DIDN'T CHEAT ONCE!  So proud of myself.

Journal Log:

     HE IS RISEN!!  I love Easter and the meaning that we, as Christians, celebrate.  I was surrounded by ham, 2 different kinds of lasagna, garlic bread, candy and pie today.  It smelled so rich in that place and just the aromas that filled the room where enough to fill my stomach.  Ha ha.  If you are at day 12, you know what I'm talking about.  How great it is to just inhale the delicious vapors coming off of the food.  YUM.  While the family was serving themselves I popped my favorite HCG diet meal in the microwave for 1 min thirty and stared at the dish spinning as to not turn around and see all the food behind me on the counter.  I sat down in the living room with others and I got to say that the first bite of that Chili with beef over lettuce and cabbage was really satisfying.  I imagined that it was that lasagna on the counter and every bite after that was amazing.  When I  was done I felt rather full and I didn't feel like I was missing out.  My husband came over and said to me "Man, you're hardcore baby."
     I think what really helped was that I was honest about my diet with the family as soon as I got there.  I told them that I was doing great and that I brought my own lunch and I felt great.  They were all really supportive and it held me accountable all day.  Accountability is important on this diet.
     For dinner I had some vegetable cabbage soup with grilled tilapia.  That was delicious.  What I did was I seasoned the tilapia in garlic powder and dill weed and put 2 slices of fresh lemon on top, baked it and then threw it on the grill for about one minute.  mixed it in the soup and the flavors just popped.  Again, having something that good was what made me survive grandmas house well into the night.  I left feeling empowered and proud of myself.  I can't believe I'm doing it!!