My progress

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 7...more pounds lost then days!

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 148
Loss 1 day: 1.6 lbs
Total Loss: 8 lbs

Feeling A.M.: Woke up early this morning alert and feeling normal.  Stepped on the scale and lost another pound and a half.  That was motivating enough to get ready for my morning walk.  Later that morning I hopped in the shower and weighed myself again just for the heck of it.  Mostly to see if it was really true.  The scale read 147.6.  I thought could that be right?  We'll see tomorrow.  It really motivates me to not cheat at all though.  I'm too paranoid to ruin it.

Feeling P.M.: I notice that I'm really hungry about 2 hours after lunch. If I have a snack I'm usually not that hungry at dinner time until 2 hours after I eat. Weird.

Journal Log:

I had a pretty busy afternoon again but managed to make some delicious meals for myself that really helped with the diet today.  Also I tried a grapefruit.  It was soooo good.  I don't know much about grapefruit but I always thought they were super bitter.  These were not.  They were sweet and juicy.  New favorite.

Lunch: Tilapia, grated cabbage and steamed asparagus
Dinner:  Protein style burger, homemade sugar free ketchup, side of asparagus

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