My progress

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 6... crossing the line

Quick day reference:

Start Weight: 156
Weigh in: 149.6
Loss 1 day: 1.2 lbs
Total Loss: 6.4 lbs

Feeling A.M.: Started a new morning routine (hopefully) today.  Got up and went for a walk with my husband.  It was so awesome getting fresh morning air and hearing the birds singing. LOST over a pound too.  Had to rush to work and packed a pretty boring lunch.  Was not impressed with my plain steak salad today.
(FOR WOMEN ONLY) got my period today and I'm gonna tell you, having to pee all the time 'cause of all the water you're drinking on your period is no fun!!

Feeling P.M.: I had another bowl of last nights Cabbage Soup with ground turkey.  Thoroughly enjoyed that.  Kept my mind off of food tonight with homeschooling the kids and blogging.  Dared myself to not eat after 9am.  Eating organic is expensive!

Journal Log:

     I lost another pound today!  Hooray!  I feel really happy about that.  I'm on day 6 of the 500 calorie diet and so far I have lost 6 lbs.  I also saw the number 4 in the tenths place again and that was enough to celebrate.  I rushed out of the house with a bland salad I threw together and that was really disappointing come noon.  It might be a good idea to limit my salt intake.  I only ate to curve my hunger not to enjoy the food.  So I figured that if I make not so delicious meals (that have quite a bit of salt) on days I work, I will have no option but to eat what I bring and that's that.  Right?  Right.
     I had some pretty negative news today at work and I was shocked at how fast I thought about food to bring me comfort.  I was really ready to just say "forget this!" for a ritz cracker.  I quickly closed the cupboard and left the kitchen and the 2nd thought that satan put in my head was, alcohol has helped in the past.  I was seriously going to call my friends on the HCG diet and ask if a glass of wine was okay.  I'm glad that my faith in Jesus intervened and I was reminded that He is the great comforter.  Thank you Lord.
     Earlier that day, my husband came to drop off the girls at my office and go to work himself.  He accidentally took my keys and drove to his job an hour and a half away.  I thought about calling some friends to give us a ride but decided that maybe taking the city bus home would take my mind off of the negative news and FOOD.   My daughters have never been on a city bus before so they were so in despite the 30 degree weather outside.  We bundled up and headed to the bus stop about a block away.  I'm so glad we did that.  Not only was it an INCREDIBLE adventure in their minds but it was a really helpful fun distraction.  Added bonus: I got some more exercise in.
     So far, I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking through this diet the way that I have.  It's been making me really rely on Jesus' strength and love to get me through some intruding thoughts.  I have also not had any caffeine for 6 days and I feel like I'm not as tired all the time anymore.  I still think that the key to this diet is staying busy and also premade dinners help a whole bunch.

LUNCH: Boring salad with bland steak (don't recommend)
DINNER: Cabbage Soup with ground turkey and a side of steamed asparagus w/ cajun seasoning.

My first city bus ride since we've moved here 5 years ago. My daughters have never been on a bus so it was a pretty exciting day.

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